Students in our program are provided with a 30+ hour a week, 12-month schedule whose primary focus is on targeting behaviors and teaching the prerequisite skills needed to advance behaviorally, intellectually and socially. The program has been specifically and thoughtfully designed to help special needs kids develop the functional life skills and social skills they need to succeed in less restrictive educational environments and life.
To learn about our sister program, the Foundry Learning Center, located in New York City, please visit
Children are provided 1:1 support within a small group setting that appears very much like a traditional classroom for behavioral and instructional purposes. Activities are created for each child by State Certified Special Education Teachers in collaboration with their entire multi-disciplinary team.
Learning objectives are based on Common Core© standards and are differentiated to meet each child’s individual goals. Children may also participate in discrete academic learning groups for math, reading, writing, science, social studies/history and health. These groups are led by certified teachers and include familiar and novel peers working at the same academic level, with content derived from ongoing assessments.
Parents have every opportunity to be involved in Hubbard Day for the benefit of their own child and the overall student body. We invite parents to attend individual “team meetings” that take place every 6 to 8 weeks for each student and include their therapists, teachers, and related service providers in order to review student progress, ensure skills are carrying over into the home, and adjust therapies and education plans to increase results. Parents also organized an advisory body that meets with Hubbard Day leadership and communicates with them regularly. Parents are also encouraged to connect directly with Hubbard’s leadership, which is always available and responsive to their concerns.
We are an operator of an alternative educational program that has been serving the special needs community since 2003. Our program provides intensive support for children with autism and related behavioral and developmental disorders and serves as school for students who currently cannot succeed in more mainstream special ed environments. We are among the most restrictive support programs available. Our student to teacher ratio is 1:1 such that each child has an individual therapist, clinician or teacher with them for every moment of the school day working on behaviors, academics, speech, physical or occupational therapy, music life or social skills and academics.
Our multi-disciplinary, team-centered approach employs the most effective and evidence-based therapies and learning programs available for special needs kids. It is individually designed and tailored for each child after comprehensive assessments by neuropsychologists, licensed therapists, certified special ed teachers and board certified behavior analysts. The results are meaningful gains in life and social skills, behaviors and academics, personal safety and self-awareness as well as independence and autonomy. We have a successful track record advancing children so that many can matriculate into more mainstream, less restrictive educational environments over a period of time.
The Hubbard Day School has provided an exemplary educational program for several of our students during the 2020-2021 school year. To say that was a herculean task, during a Pandemic, would underscore the success of the practitioners and administration. The professional staff and administration have worked indefatigably in partnership with the District and families to support the individual needs of students and realize shared goals.
The educational programs, speech therapy, OT, and PT services are implemented with fidelity and our students have met with success throughout their tenure at school. There is a school climate of care, joy, and commitment that provides a notion of confidence to students and families!